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Beach Elementary WISERCISE!

Beach Elementary in Pascagoula, Mississippi is one of eight elementary schools that received an OrganWise Guys Core Kit thanks to the Thriving Communities, Thriving Children project funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Beach Elementary Morning Wisercise 1

Morning WISERCISE! lead by 4th grade boys at Beach Elementary

Last month, we visited teachers and students at Beach Elementary to check out their wonderful morning exercise routine, involving WISERCISE! of course! The entire school gathers in the cafeteria after breakfast and fourth graders lead all the students and teachers in a variety of daily morning exercises. The goal is to increase alertness and prepare for the day of learning. Great job Beach Elementary!

Fourth grade boys hold up their WISERCISE! and tracking calendars.

Fourth grade boys hold up their WISERCISE! and tracking calendars

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