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Irish Dance Competition

Here at The OrganWise Guys, we are always on the lookout for ways to get ourselves and our children to be more physically active while having FUN! One of the owners of The OrganWise Guys’ daughter, Shealyn McNamara, has a unique way to work up a sweat, have fun with friends and feel a sense of personal accomplishment by doing Irish Dancing! To share more about this wonderful form of dance, we sat down with one of her teachers, Jacquie Berger – a former World Champion Irish Dance competitor. (more…)

An OWG Congrats Vickie James on her MDPA Hall of Fame Recognition

For years The OrganWise Guys have had a strong relationship with Healthy Kids Challenge and it’s founder, Vickie James.  We were thrilled to see that she was nominated for the 2012 Medical Disease Prevention + Awareness Communicating Childhood Obesity Prevention and Policy Hall of Fame! Last year we took a little time to catch up with VIckie and hear more about the work ofHealthy Kids Challenge. We think you’ll enjoy getting to know her! (more…)

Meet Debbie Cox

We recently had a chance to catch up with Debbie Cox who works in Community Affairs for BlueCross BlueShield of Texas and hear about their initiatives to create healthy communities throughout Texas.   (more…)