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Dribbling … With your Feet

Well hey there,

Today we are continuing our unit on soccer in P.E. and let me tell you, I have a whole new respect for soccer players. Trying to dribble downfield while being aware of your surroundings while also keeping control of the ball and not turning it over is hard. I struggled with dribbling with my hands, so dribbling with my feet is a whole new ball game (literally)! I am so impressed by the kids in class who can control the ball so well that they can bounce it off their knees and onto their heads. Not me. Maybe if I keep practicing I could one day; but for now, I’ve got to stick to the basics. Make sure to grab your coloring sheet and activity sheet for today!


Keep livin’ OrganWise,


Flying Tomatoes

Well hey there!

Have you guys been watching the Olympics? I have been as much as I can! I love cheering on Team USA in everything from bobsledding to snowboarding to ice hockey! One athlete I’ve been hearing a lot about is snowboarder Shaun White, otherwise known as “The Flying Tomato.” I can’t help but smile every time I hear that name, as I picture a bunch of tomatoes flying around in the sky. Close your eyes and think about it for a second — a bunch of tomatoes with wings, flying with the birds and the planes up in the sky. So silly! It’s just one more thing to love about the Winter Olympics. Go Flying Tomato and go Team USA! Make sure and get your coloring sheet for today!


Keep Livin’ OrganWise,

Luigi Liver

MLK, Jr. Day

Well hey there,

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He was a civil rights leader who pushed for the equal treatment of all people, no matter their race. It is important to remember him and all he did for our country. You can take part in MLK Day by serving your community or neighborhood. It could be as simple as helping out a friend in need or helping an elderly neighbor take out their garbage. Be sure to talk to your parents and see how you can help make your community a better place. Grab your coloring sheet for today!


Keep livin’ OrganWise,

Luigi Liver

Hoping For a Snow Day

Well hey there!

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving, as well as an awesome Thanksgiving break. The time off from school was great, and of course I want to see my friends back at school, but the weatherman said there could be snow this week! Snow could mean a snow day! I love school, but a day to play in the snow with my neighborhood pals? Sign me up! Crossing my fingers that the snow falls this week! Make sure to download your chilly coloring sheet for today!

Keep livin’ OrganWise,

Luigi Liver


Veteran's Day

Well hey there,

Today is 11-11. While that is a cool date all by itself, November 11th is also Veteran’s Day. It’s a day to think about those who have fought for the freedom we get to enjoy each and every day in America. At school, we are having a veteran from World War II come and talk to us about what life was like in the war. I think this will be very interesting and I’ll be sure to thank him for protecting this great country if I get the chance. If you know anyone who has fought for the USA, be sure to thank them for all they’ve done. Make sure and download your coloring sheet for today!

Keep livin’ OrganWise,

Luigi Liver
