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Savor this Holiday Season

By Maria White

By Maria White

While this time of year can be one of the most enjoyable, it also ends up being one of the most stressful! Between holiday decorating, shopping, parties, cards to be sent, school performances, and traveling, it becomes quite a hectic time in our family. I know I am not alone. It seems all around me everyone is hassled and trying to figure out how they are going to get everything done in time. Doesn’t this seem to be the wrong message to be sent during this time of year, when really we should be slowing down and celebrating friends, family and another year?


Creating a Low Budget and Meaningful Birthday Party

When my son, Taylor, turned 16 this past year, we were reminiscing about his favorite birthday parties. Much to my surprise, one of his favorite ones was when he turned 6 years old. We invited some neighborhood friends and went on an educational trip to the local Fire Department. From Our House (more…)

Hardy Heart Evolution

Hardy Heart is the leader of The OrganWise Guys club and plays a central role in all of The OrganWise Guys materials. Since American Heart Month is winding down, we thought we’d conclude the month by giving you a little behind the scenes look at the history of our beloved Hardy Heart. Dr. Michelle Lombardo (President and co-founder of OWG Inc.) shared the scoop with us … (more…)