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Planning for a Healthy Summer

It’s only March so summer certainly seems a long way off, however, now is the time to start thinking about the options that are available for kids. Many organizations already have their summer camp information available!


NRPA Announces Out-of-School Time Grants

We are thrilled to share that once again this summer, there’s an exciting opportunity to expand nutrition education programming into your community. Thanks to generous funding from the Walmart Foundation, the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) has announced $1.8 million in grants available for summer camps to assist with summer feeding programs. This also includes The OrganWise Guys programming for 450 sites across the country!


You CAN be Active on Vacation!

I have mommy guilt. Serious, deeply-rooted mommy guilt. Other than those seldom moments where I really feel as though I’m rocking this mom thing, mommy guilt is alive and eating at me. I could have fed my kids better food today. I should have spent more time with my kids today. Did I really need to raise my voice to get them to stop fighting (again!)?


5 Ways to Be Active in the Summer Heat

Let’s be honest, it is just plain HOT during these summer months. It’s so easy to just want to stay indoors with the air conditioner blasting. However, it’s still important for both adults and kids to be outside AND be active! So, how do we stay active this summer while beating the heat?
