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Portion Control Tips for a Healthier Holiday

portion control tips

We all know how easy it is to overindulge during the holiday season. There are plenty of office parties and family gatherings to attend and so it’s important to make sure you are making the most healthy decisions that you can in order to make sure you don’t get to January and wonder what happened. To help out, we are sharing a few simple portion control tips to make it easier during these fun events.

First, here are portion control tips for a healthier holiday:

Tip 1: Eat Breakfast

It sounds simple, but eating a healthy breakfast is a great way to start off your day before heading to a holiday party or eating a holiday meal. You won’t be starving by the time the party starts. “Saving up” for a big meal usually leads to overeating!

Tip 2: Savor the Meal

Eat slowly! Holiday meals are times when we tend to indulge in more than one helping. Rather than going for seconds or thirds, eat slowly and leave the table feeling comfortable.

Tip 3: Check the label

Portion size differs from serving size. For example, a snack size bag of pretzels may contain up to 4 servings, so you’d need to quadruple the nutrition information on the label to see how much you are eating! Especially around the holidays when travel is more frequent, be sure to check the labels on prepackaged snack foods to avoid overeating.

Next, watch as the Pirates of the Carrot and Bean teach kids about healthy portions:



Now, make sure and download this fun activity sheet kids:


Here’s to keeping the portions small over the holidays!

Teach Kids to Take School Work Seriously

Luigi Liver Teach Kids to take school work seriouslyWe all get excited about the holidays and once it gets to those last days leading up to them, it’s always hard to stay focused. Kids are eager for the time off and fun spent with family and friends. However, these last few days are usually filled with tests and projects that are due, so it is important to make sure to teach kids to take school work seriously. Once they are completely done with their work is time to celebrate and enjoy their time off. 

Make sure to download the coloring page and activity sheet for today to teach kids to take school work seriously:



Teach Kids to Do the Right Thing

Pepto Teach kids to do the right thingLast week we talked about charities and fundraising and teaching kids why they are so important. Tied to that lesson was a story for the kids talking about a friendly class competition associated with the change that they were being encouraged to bring in for a charity. This week there is a discovery that some change has gone missing and kids are reluctant to bring in more change to replace the missing change. 

This is a great time to teach kids to do the right thing. Lessons like this earned early in life are so valuable. 

Make sure and download the coloring page to help teach kids to do the right thing:



Teach Kids About Fundraisers

OWG_Blog_Art_12-10-15It’s a great idea to teach kids about fundraisers and how they can work hard to raise money for various things they may be involved in, such as sports. It’s also a good time to talk about raising money for others and for charities and causes that help people out. Kids will learn that helping others in need can feel good! 

As with the worksheets today, it’s fun to get a little friendly class competition going on to get kids excited about helping others out. You can even have the kids select a charity that they would like to help out. Talk about learning how to be selfless! You can’t beat that lesson!

Download the coloring page and activity sheet for today to teach kids about fundraisers:




Enjoy Family Time During the Holidays

Hardy enjoy family timeThe holiday breaks from work and school for adults and kids alike, are a great opportunity to enjoy family time. Whether it be a game night, putting together a puzzle or a fun game of charades, the important thing is togetherness and making fun memories with the family. 

With the cold temperatures and even those places that are getting snow, it can be fun to bundle up and venture outdoors for some good quality fun with the family.

Download the coloring page for today to see what fun activity Hardy Heart and his parents decide to do outside to enjoy family time:
