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The Fun Run

Hey everybody!

Today we finally had the Boosterthon Fun Run! Let me tell you, it sure was fun! We were all in with our teams, wearing our Boosterthon t-shirts. Then our team got called to do the run with the other classes. We ran through a giant sports tunnel onto the Boosterthon Speedway. Music was blasting and everyone was jumping up and down! When the Fun Run started, we all walked or ran for 30 minutes straight, with quite a few of us hitting the 35-lap limit. I couldn’t believe it when I got to my last lap because it seemed like I had just started running.  I guess all the cheering and the music made the run go by faster than I thought. And the best part of the whole thing (besides the exercise, which I loved) is we raised a ton of money for the school! Look at this week’s activity sheet to see how much I raised. Hopefully, we can keep doing the Boosterthon Fun Run for years to come, as it is an excellent way to get fit, have fun, and raise money for school!

Have a great day,
Hardy Heart

PS – Don’t forget today’s activity sheet!

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