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Healthy Holiday Punch

Happy Holidays! Do you drink punch at holiday parties and meals? To avoid the excess sugar that is typically in these drinks, make your own healthy beverage from sparkling water and fresh citrus fruits, a December Foods of the Month! Check out this quick and simple recipe for vitamin-C packed holiday citrus punch that is sure to be a hit at your next gathering.
5 oranges
1 grapefruit
1 liter lemon flavored, unsweetened/sugar-free sparkling water
3/4 cup orange juice
2 cups fresh cranberries, rinsed (for festive color)


  1. Roll 4 of the oranges on top of a flat surface to get the juices moving.
  2. Slice them into halves, then either place each half in a hand-held juicer or squeeze the juice out by hand into a medium sized bowl. Repeat the process with the grapefruit.
  3. Pour juice into a pitcher, then pour in the sparkling water. Mix well.
  4. Cut the remaining orange into thin slices and place them into the pitcher along with the cranberries.
  5. Let chill for one hour and serve in festive glasses, or a punch bowl!Citrus-Punch
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