by admin | Dec 21, 2015 | Kids
While it is supposed to be a time of joy and cheer, sometimes the holidays can bring about a bit of stress and chaos among families. There is shopping, baking, and gift wrapping to be done so why not enlist some of our favorite little helpers to join in the fun? We recommend that you encourage kids to help at the holidays. The older kids can certainly help with some of the wrapping. Let them wrap their teacher gifts to make them even more special! They love to feel like they are contributing, so why not encourage kids to help at the holidays? Consider it a teaching moment tied into some good family bonding!
Make sure and download the coloring page for today to encourage kids to help at the holidays:
by admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Kids
During the holiday season, the topic of giving is tossed around frequently. This time of year is a chance to teach kids that they can donate for a good cause. It’s an opportunity to talk about a variety of causes that can be supported by donating clothing, canned goods, or even money to organizations in need. It’s also a good time to remind kids to remember how fortunate they are in a variety of ways.
To help teach kids why its important to donate for a good cause, make sure and download the coloring page and activity sheet for today. The kids can help Peri manage the canning drive that they are involved in!
by Maria | Oct 19, 2015 | Kids
It’s amazing how one small gesture can make a lasting impact on someone’s day. Whether you intend to or not, simply smiling at someone can potentially set or change a mood. You don’t know what everyone is facing each and every day and so sometimes smiling at a stranger or smiling to let someone you know that you understand can go a long way.
It’s important to teach kids to smile early on and introduce them to this concept of helping to make someone’s day just a little bit better with that small gesture. Peri Stolic realizes that simply changing her attitude and smiling throughout the day had such a positive impact on her overall mood and day.
Download today’s coloring sheet to teach kids to smile and see how Peri Stolic realizes the impact a smile can have on someone:
by admin | Aug 3, 2015 | Kids
Teaching kids to eat fruits and vegetables is a challenge frequently faced by most parents. With so many unhealthy options made available to kids on a daily basis, it makes it difficult for them to always make the best decisions. One way that may be helpful to encourage kids to eat these all-important foods, is to teach them WHY they need to eat them. Teach kids to eat high-fiber foods because it can keep them stay healthy and aid in digestion (using Peri Stolic as a source, of course!) This may help them view the whole fruit and veggie issue from an entirely different perspective! We can certainly hope that it does!
Make sure and download the coloring sheet below to help teach kids to eat high-fiber foods:
You can also download a behavior tracking sheet, which we shared on the blog earlier this week. We encourage you to print out the sheet and track the high-fiber foods that you eat daily to create a help create a habit of eating them!
by admin | Jul 13, 2015 | Kids
Are you superstitious? Do you teach your kids to be superstitious? Whether you are or you aren’t, sometimes you just have days that seem unlucky. You go from one bad thing happening to the next. What’s important to teach kids when they encounter days like this, is to remind them to keep their chin up, not to get too upset or negative, and that “tomorrow is a new day!”
Peri Stolic has an unlucky day of her own and wants to tell the kids all about.
Download the coloring sheet below to see what kind of bad luck Peri Stolic ran into: