It’s hard to believe school will be back in session in the coming weeks! The OrganWise Guys are eager to get back to spreading the word of good health, so whether you already use the evidence-based programming or you are new to it, we wanted to share all of the resources that are available on our website. (more…)
We love seeing the great nutrition and healthy living education work that takes place around the country. This month, we feature St. James Children’s Center, a preschool for children 2-5 years old in the Florida Keys. Ms. Brynn Morey, Florida Keys Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program Manager, shared these photos with us of students learning about the Foods of the Month (FoM). Thanks to funding from the Florida Blue Foundation, St. James Children’s Center received OWG materials, trainings, and technical assistance from Ms. Morey. (more…)
We recently implemented The OrganWise Guys Comprehensive School Program (OWG CSP) in 80 schools across 31 counties in the great Volunteer State, with another 70 set to start down the road. We found some dynamite partners in Coordinated School Health (CSH), who received funding for the program from BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation. We are grateful for this collaborative effort and have thoroughly enjoyed learning some new ideas from these great new partners.
If you’re looking for a healthy way to start the school year with your children, try out The OrganWise Guys In the House! kit. You can get it for a STEAL right now on Plum District!