by admin | Dec 3, 2015 | Kids
December is here and with that comes a lot of celebrating with your typically unhealthy foods! We know there are so many temptations this time of year and while it’s easy to just chalk it up to, “it’s the holidays, and I will get back on track in the new year,” it’s not the best mindset to have. Also, it’s important to remember that kids are easily influenced and love modeling behavior of adults, so this is a great opportunity to teach kids to eat healthy portions.
Download the coloring page and activity sheet for today to help you teach kids to eat healthy portions:
by admin | Nov 30, 2015 | Kids
Thanksgiving may be over, but that doesn’t meant being thankful has o be. As we discussed earlier in the month, you don’t have to only be thankful and grateful on Thanksgiving because the holiday promotes it! Since you’ve had so much fun showing your appreciation to those who have impacted your lives all month long, why not keep it going? It’s not too late to let them know that they are appreciated! You never know how one small “thank you” can impact someone’s day, don’t hesitate to be thankful all year long!
Download the coloring page below to help teach your kids to be thankful all year long. Sir Rebrum is happy to help out with the discussion today:
by admin | Nov 12, 2015 | Kids
Once you start showing gratitude towards others and realizing that something as simple as a “thank you,” can make someone’s day, it makes you want to continue to do nice things. Oftentimes, so many actions go unnoticed and under-appreciated. It’s important to teach kids from a young age to be grateful and appreciative of things that people do for them. It seems that kids have lofty expectations and don’t always appreciate everything that they have.
This is a great time of year to have a conversation about gratitude and how being kind to others can feel good! Explain the simple things that can be done to show appreciation. Things such as a smile, a nice compliment, or thank you note, can go a long way. It will definitely be well-received to those on the receiving end of it!
Make sure and download the coloring and activity sheets to see how Sir Rebrum realizes how being kind to others can feel good:
by admin | Nov 5, 2015 | Kids
So often we wait until the day of Thanksgiving to show our thanks and gratitude for the blessings in our lives. While being thankful on this day is fantastic, why not make it a habit to do on a regular basis!
November, the beginning of the holiday season, is a great time to teach kids to be thankful. Whether it be teaching them to thank their parents for the clothes and toys they have, or thanking the mailman for delivering the mail, it’s important for them to realize they can be grateful for them all.
Sir Rebrum has a great idea for showing gratitude that any child could model.
Download the coloring sheet and activity sheets below to help teach kids to be thankful:
by Maria | Oct 15, 2015 | Kids
As we mentioned earlier this month, we’ve already got Halloween on our minds even though it’s not until the end of the month. There are so many things that can be done to prepare for the trick or treating experience. The main priority for this night should be safety.
Being the smart brain that he is, Sir Rebrum knows how important it is for kids to be safe on Halloween night, so he recommends this halloween safety tip for all families.
Download the coloring and activity sheet today to see what halloween safety tip Sir Rebrum is recommending: