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TC2 Assemblies in the MS Delta

We want to give a big OrganWise shout-out to Ms. Linda Johnson and the rest of the staff at Lyon Elementary School in Lyon, MS! At the beginning of the school year, Lyon Elementary, along with the other three elementary schools in Coahoma County School District, received The OrganWise Guys Comprehensive School Program thanks to funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation as part of the Thriving Communities, Thriving Children (TC2) project.

This fall, these schools kicked off their OWG programming in a unique way that we think is worth sharing! Instead of the typical assembly format with one assembly for grades k-2 and one assembly for grades 3-5, these schools performed their assemblies on a smaller scale. Teachers reported that having the assemblies in individual classes worked out great. At Lyon Elementary, the assemblies took place for one week during regularly scheduled PE time. Doing the kick-off assemblies this way is a great alternative to school wide performances, especially if it is difficult to get large groups of students together.

Check out the photos below to see the children in action – learning about healthy eating and good nutrition and also getting lots of exercise. Way to go Lyon Elementary staff and keep up the great work!Lyon Elementary OWG Assemblies 4

Lyon Elementary OWG Assemblies 8


Lyon Elementary OWG Assemblies 3

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