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Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention for Kids

Childhood obesity is a hot topic in the news all over the world these days. Sedentary lifestyles and the convenience and abundance of fast food seem to be the culprit. Less movement and poor food choices lead to childhood obesity and ultimately other very serious health problems like cardiovascular disease and stroke. Educating kids about the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices from a very early age is key. Kids are not too young to understand what these life threatening problems are and The OrganWise Guys are able to present the science in a simple way that kids can understand. Focusing on prevention will save on high costs associated with childhood obesity as well as chronic diseases. Check out the infographic below discussing cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention for kids and start sharing with your favorite little ones so they can grow up living healthy lives!

You may also want to take a look at these additional cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention materials for kids. Here’s to good health!

Infographic Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention for Kids