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A Little Inspiration – TogetherCounts

Last year we joined Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF), a diverse coalition of companies and organizations dedicated to helping reduce childhood obesity.

This month marks the one year anniversary of HWCF’s Together Counts™ campaign, a public education effort that encourages families to share meals and activities together.

A Different Kind of Soccer Mom

We recently met Luma Mufleh and heard about the great organization that she founded called the Fugees Family. She started this non-profit organization with the intent of taking children from war torn countries and helping them rebuild their lives. She did this initially by providing these children with access to free soccer teams. (more…)

People Who Inspire Us – Pat Summitt

Today we begin a new series on The OrganWise Guys’ blog. We’re going to introduce you to people and organizations that inspire us to live healthier and better lives. I can think of no better way to start this series than to pay tribute to a woman I’ve admired for many years, Pat Summitt. (more…)

Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation

We are proud associate members of the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF), a coalition that brings together over 195 retailers, food and beverage manufacturers, restaurants, sporting goods and insurance companies, a professional sports organization, NGOs, trade associations, and the U.S. Army aimed at doing their part to help families reduce obesity, especially childhood obesity.


An OWG Congrats Vickie James on her MDPA Hall of Fame Recognition

For years The OrganWise Guys have had a strong relationship with Healthy Kids Challenge and it’s founder, Vickie James.  We were thrilled to see that she was nominated for the 2012 Medical Disease Prevention + Awareness Communicating Childhood Obesity Prevention and Policy Hall of Fame! Last year we took a little time to catch up with VIckie and hear more about the work ofHealthy Kids Challenge. We think you’ll enjoy getting to know her! (more…)