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The Kidney Brothers Discuss Water Safety

Following on the heels of our Wednesday post, where we highlighted the dangers of drowning and some of the misconceptions with it, we thought we would let The OrganWise Guys chime in on water safety! The beginning of the summer is a great time to remind everyone just how important it is to stay vigilant and alert when you are watching your kids in a busy swimming environment!


Hydration Week in Texas

With the frigid weather that most of the country is experiencing right now, it is easy to daydream about the upcoming hot summer where hours and days upon end are spent outside running around and working up a sweat. It is easy to remember to replenish your body with lots of water. However, while we are in the midst of these cold winter months, it is still essential to drink lots of water and stay hydrated.


Important Tips for a Fun and Safe Day in Open Water

As the July 4th holiday approaches, families across the country are making plans to head to cooler places! Lakes, rivers and oceans are sure to be popular options this holiday as the temperature continues to rise! While all of these water destinations are great fun, safety is a major concern as oftentimes there are no safety measures in place and no lifeguards to ensure they are enforced.  (more…)