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Water Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer

Water with Ice

Water, water everywhere! We hope that is what you are saying during these hot summer months! It’s so important to make sure that you and the kiddos are drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Remember that water is always the optimal beverage choice especially when thirsty from physical activity or a long day outdoors. Read on for water tips to stay hydrated this summer and for ways to educate the kids on why water is such a healthy choice.

First, here are three simple water tips to keep you hydrated all summer long:

Tip 1: Freeze water bottles.

Before you head out for the day, grab a frozen water bottle for easy access to a refreshing, cool and healthy drink.

Tip 2: Cut up a watermelon.

Small pieces of a cut up watermelon can be stored in the fridge for easy access to a tasty, hydrating snack.

Tip 3: Add fruit or veggie slices.

To liven up a plain glass of water, add fruit or veggie slices like lemons, limes, oranges or cucumbers.


Next, to get you in the spirit, watch this thirst-quenching video from the Kidney Brothers:


Now, make sure and download this water-themed coloring sheet for the kids:

Coloring Sheet Button

Lastly, check out our OrganWise water resources showcasing The Kidney Brothers!

Happy Hydrating!

How to be Active and Beat the Heat on Vacation

Exercise on the Beach

It’s summer time and with that comes the hot temperatures and best of all, vacations! It’s easy to abandon your regular healthy workout routine when you go on vacation, but it’s a good idea to make sure and get in a little bit of exercise while away so that when you return it won’t be as difficult to get back into it. Believe it or not, there are some very simple ways to be active (without realizing you are exercising!) and beat the summer heat while on vacation. Here are some of our recommendations:

  • Plan Ahead – Create a few basic workouts ahead of time that don’t require equipment (i.e., lunges, squats, and pushups). Take time here and there to fit these into your day, or wake up early and knock out your whole workout before everyone else is awake!
  • Use site amenities – Figure out what is offered at your vacation spot. Is there a gym? Are there walking paths or bike trails? What kinds of group activities may be offered at the site? You can walk 9 holes of golf or even rent some bikes to get around. Take advantage of all that is offered!
  • Take an early stroll on the beach – Get out and moving before the heat rolls in. Go for an early morning run or walk on the beach (take your pets if you brought them). With the beautiful scenery and the sound of waves crashing on the beach, you will have gone a couple of miles before you know it!
  • Engage in family fun – If there are tennis courts, basketball courts, or even a sand volleyball court, gather up the family for some friendly competition. If you want to beat the heat, find a local rock climbing wall, an indoor roller or ice skating rink, or even a trampoline park. These are great opportunities for family bonding in atypical situations.

Of course, we always like to remind you to drink LOTS of water while you are out being active to rehydrate during the hot days!

Last year, guest blogger and wellness consultant, Melodie Griffin shared some more fun ways to be active on vacation. Make sure and check them out as well!

So tell us, what is your favorite way to stay active and beat the heat during your summer vacation?


Celebrate National Dairy Month

National Dairy MonthJune is National Dairy Month, a time to celebrate all the tasty foods made of dairy which also provide many important vitamins and minerals for active bodies. Did you know that in order to get the amount of calcium in an 8-ounce glass of milk, you’d have to eat one-fourth cup of broccoli, seven oranges or six slices of wheat bread? 

National Dairy Month is also a perfect opportunity to teach your children about where their food comes from. My children love the story of Sunnybell, a Florida dairy cow who shares her story about life on a dairy farm. They giggle every time they hear Sunnybell talk about how some of her friends have chilled water beds to keep them cool in the Florida heat. Try discussing Sunnybell with your own kids, they are sure to be entertained! 

One of my absolute favorite programs for school health and wellness is Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60), a joint program between the National Football League (NFL) and the National Dairy Council. FUTP60 is a student led program which encourages students to live healthier lives through the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity. Even better, up to $4,000 is available to schools who implement the FUTP60 program (and might be able to fund some of The OrganWise Guys materials you have your eye on). I’ve seen FUTP60 transform a school’s culture in just one school year through the coordinated excitement it creates among the students, staff, and parents.  You can learn more about FUTP60 here.

Remember, even during the long (and sometimes lazy) days of summer, there are teaching opportunities everywhere. During National Dairy Month, take the opportunity to talk with your child about the vitamins and minerals in their bowl of low-fat ice cream or how their grilled cheese is helping to build strong muscles and bones so they can swim longer and faster. They may think you’re providing them with just a treat, but we know you’re giving them just what their bodies need to thrive this summer.

small MGriffin headshot copy

Today we feature OWG guest blogger and childhood obesity consultant, Melodie Griffin. Melodie’s passion lies in the prevention of childhood obesity through the school and early learning settings. All programs Melodie promotes are fully approved by her home based lab rats, five year old son, Howie, and two year old daughter, Hope. You can connect with Melodie on her Facebook page, WellConnect LLC.

How To Teach Healthy Behaviors At Home This Summer

OrganWise Guys Kids Healthy behaviors

Are you looking for a fun way to keep your kiddos healthy during the summer months? Look no further … The OrganWise Guys In the House Kit is your answer! Encourage healthy behaviors with this home-based healthy behavior tracking program that helps families in their quest to become “OrganWise” by gradually adding healthy habits to the daily routine.

Here’s how it works:

The OrganWise Guys have four basic club rules.

  1. Low-Fat
  2. High-Fiber
  3. Water
  4. Exercise

There is one book for each rule. Your job is to practice each rule for 7 days with your children.

Choose the rule you’ll follow each week. At the end of each week of healthy habit tracking, you will reward the kids with one of the OWG beanies as a surprise.

Start the fun over each week, allowing the children to select which behavior they would like to focus on. This can become child-driven as they are excited to complete the various activities contained in each book and for the reward at the end of the week. You can engage your older children as helpers as they can encourage their siblings to make the healthy choices. It’s that simple!

Make sure and head over to our website to get yours today!

Want to get it for 20% off?

Coupon Code: OWG2015 (Enter code upon checkout)

So what are you waiting for? Get your summer started out right and get kids making healthy decisions all summer long! Here’s to good health!

Safety First in June

Hardy Heart Safety FirstWe continue our series in which we are promoting healthy behaviors to be implemented and tracked for an entire month (and hopefully beyond). The behavior to implement in June is to make sure and put safety first. This month is a great time to teach kids the importance of safety in a variety of settings. Whether it be wearing a helmet while riding a bike, or making sure an adult or buddy is around while swimming, during the summer months, there are lots of opportunities to promote safety. You can download and print your June Behavior Tracking Sheet and use in your home, summer camp setting, or childcare center to encourage and track behavior change.

Watch as Calci M. Bone and Sir Rebrum discuss the importance of putting safety first by wearing a helmet when riding a bike:


Share with us some of your favorite ways to teach kids how to be safe all year long. We hope you have a healthy and SAFE start to your summer!