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6 Tips For a Healthy Summer

Fruit Water for healthy summer

It’s summertime! Continue making healthy, OrganWise decisions outside of school with these hot weather tips and ideas for the entire family:

  1. Prep – Make healthy eating easier by cleaning and cutting up fresh fruits and veggies and placing them in small to-go bags at the beginning of the week. This provides you and your family with quick, healthy snacks throughout the week.
  2. Stay Active – The warm summer weather is the perfect time to be outside. Beat the heat by getting out and moving in the morning with a family bike ride. On the hottest days, find a way to get the kids active before the heat sets in. Make outside play time from 8:00-10:00 am instead of morning cartoons or errands.
  3. Exercise Indoors – A local gym with basketball courts, a climbing wall, or a local roller skating rink are all places that provide physical activity. The summer is a great time to try new activities, so be on the lookout for local deals and discounts offering some of these opportunities.
  4. Drink Water – Remember to stay hydrated, especially when getting lots of physical activity. Freeze water bottles before you head out for the day to provide your children with a cool drink. Keep cut up watermelon pieces in your kitchen for a tasty, hydrating snack. To liven up a plain glass of water, add fruit or veggie slices like lemons, limes, oranges or cucumbers.
  5. Cool Activities – Our bodies love to be active outside. Visit a waterpark, a pool, or the beach! These are perfect breaks for a hot day. Remember, it’s important to think about safety at these summer destinations (like wearing life jackets, watching out for ocean currents, and always keeping your children in sight).
  6. Plan – Place a calendar in a high traffic area of your home with all the activities you have planned for the summer. They can be summer vacations, camp time, and other special events. To combat boredom, reserve the empty dates for special family time, like a walk around the neighborhood after dinner or an outdoor movie.

Download and print out these healthy summer tips to hang up around the house!

What are some of your favorite ways to make it a healthy summer?

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