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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hi there!

Can you believe that it’s already May? That means summer vacation is rapidly approaching AND beautiful weather is already here. Taking a walk outside is like walking through a painting. Thanks to the rain in the spring, the trees are full of green leaves, all the gardens are in full bloom, and our veggies are sprouting like crazy! I love being outside to enjoy the gorgeous spring days. In fact, I find myself daydreaming about taking walks and picking flowers when I’m in between classes.  At lunch today, I got so lost in thought, I made a flower out of my fruits and veggies before I even realized what I was doing! There was a stem of green beans, red cabbage petals, and a strawberry center. Of course, after admiring my work, I ate up all the delicious foods. I make sure to eat well so I can stay healthy and enjoy the weather outside and you should too! So get out there and read a book or play with some friends, or just go for a walk! Just be sure to get some fresh air and sunshine (for your daily dose of vitamin D) and enjoy the nature around us!

And if you happen to be having a rainy day, make sure you download my coloring sheet and activity sheet today! OWG_Blog_Art_5-3-12

Keep breathing!


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