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Avocado Taste Test at Gentilly East Head Start

In February, we visited schools and Head Starts in Mississippi and Louisiana who received The OrganWise Guys materials thanks to the Thriving Communities, Thriving Children project, funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. We loved seeing all the great nutrition education programming happening at these sites!

It so happened that when we visited Gentilly East Head Start, a center operated by Total Community Action (TCA) in New Orleans, an avocado taste test was underway! Students were able to try this February Foods of the Month first hand and share what they learned about avocados in the classroom.

Gentilly East Classroom - OWG DisplayGentilly East Classroom - Foods of the Month Lesson

First, students tasted fresh guacamole and shared if they liked it. Next, students saw and touched an avocado so they could see where their guacamole comes from. Finally, the children were able to try a plain piece of avocado.

Gentilly East Avocado Food Tasting Plate

We were so happy to be able to see this wonderful example of using the Foods of the Month kit to promote nutrition education and taste testings in the early childcare/Head Start setting. Great job to the staff at Gentilly East Head Start and TCA!!

Gentilly East Avocado Food Tasting 2 - Staff with Food.

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