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Big News for a Big Summer!

Hey Everybody!

I’ve got a great piece of news! Well, two actually.

Number 1: It’s summer vacation! While school is fun, it’s always nice to take a breather (just ask Windy haha!).

Number 2: We’re going on a cross-country road trip! That’s right, The OrganWise Guys are going on the open road, stopping by states all across this glorious country of ours!

Miss Goodhealth said that she was so proud of how hard we worked this year that she wanted to reward us with a fun, educational trip touring the USA! She talked to our parents and so we were good to go. I was so excited, I think my heart skipped a beat!
Oh, and I almost forgot—you’ll be hearing all about it! We are going to blog from the road, so no worries, you’ll still get to hear from all your favorite OrganWise Guys. I bet your heart stopped for a second there, thinking that you’d have no blogs for the summer! But we’ll be here, letting you know how everything is going. So be sure to check in and after you take a break from playing today, don’t forget to get our new coloring sheet here!download (18)

Happy summer!

Hardy Heart

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