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Celebrate Park and Recreation Month

The entire month of July is Park and Recreation Month! The annual monthly celebration encourages people to get out and experience the benefits of parks and recreation – from health and wellness to nature and everything in between. The theme this year, “OUT is IN,” is all about getting more people OUTside and INspired through community parks and recreation. We are SO excited to be working with a number of parks and recreation sites around the country and we love that they are focusing on creating healthier children!

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Include mention of Park and Recreation Month in newsletters and other communications (blog, social media, emails).
  • Download and post the web graphics and/or logo to your websites, social media platforms or include in your communications to show your support.
  • Take the #JulyOUTisIN challenge, which is a 31-day challenge aiming to get people OUTside every day in July and  even has prizes!
  • Use #JULYOUTISIN when sharing on social media.

There is more information available at www.nrpa.org/july.

We created a fun OrganWise coloring sheet to download and we want to make sure you take it OUT to color it IN!


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