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Costume Catastrophe

Hi friends!

Last weekend, I went to a birthday party. It was a ton of fun, but there was one thing I didn’t know … It was a costume party! Everywhere I turned, there was another costume: a pirate, a superhero, a fireman. But me? Just plain old Peri Stolic. I was very embarrassed being the only one not wearing a costume. But I decided I had two options, I could call my mom to come pick me up, or celebrate a birthday with my friends. I chose to stay and have fun. The best part was my friend’s mom saw that I was a little upset, so she grabbed me a sheet and suddenly, I was wearing a toga like the Greek goddess Athena. Once I had a new costume, I had a blast at the party. I’m happy that I decided to stay and not let my momentary embarrassment cause me to miss out on a fun time. Don’t miss out on this fun coloring sheet and activity sheet either!

OWG_Blog_Art_10-9-14Keep it moving,

Peri Stolic


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