We are thankful for great partners! The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation has provided some great content that we are all about sharing with you today!
What says October to you? Changing leaves? Friday night football? Welcoming (or groaning about) the Christmas decorations that have suddenly popped up in all the stores? By now, families with kids Pre-K through 5th grade are well into their busy fall routines — juggling weeknight meals with homework and sports schedules — then before you know it, BAM! The holidays arrive and we go off the rails in all directions.
That’s why the beginning of October is the perfect time to do an informal audit of how your family is working together to be healthy and active. Try these 5 conversation starters at upcoming family dinners. You’ll be surprised how just a little bit of discussion can go a long way in reaffirming healthy habits everyone can feel good about.
- Who ate breakfast this morning? What did you eat and how long before you started thinking about snack time?
- How many minutes per day should kids be active? (answer: 60)
- Imagine a dinner made from all the colors of the rainbow. What would it be?
- What is a portion? Why is it important to pay attention to portions?
- What are three active things we can do together this weekend? Get ideas here.
The OrganWise Guys know just how important it is to make healthy choices especially during this time of year. Make sure to include plenty of healthy foods and water at holiday gatherings and remember that moderation is key when choosing the typical holiday foods that are offered at social gatherings.
We also would like to promote the Healthy Playground Makeover Sweepstakes, a big incentive for schools to make healthy changes. Two lucky schools will win a grand prize package consisting of a $30,000 grant and a new playground. Be sure to visit TogetherCounts.com and enter on behalf of a local pre-school or elementary school in your area. Anyone can enter and it’s one simple way you can be part of the back to school buzz.
Download free Pre-K through grade 5 energy balance resources for families and schools at http://TogetherCounts.com/
For Spanish, visit http://es.togethercounts.com/
Thanks again to the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation and Together Counts for working so hard to create healthier families! We fully support this mission!
So tell us, what does your family do to promote healthy living in your household?