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Fruit and Vegetable Tips for Optimal Health

Fruit and Vegetable tips

It’s no secret that in order to be healthy, fruits and vegetables need to be at the top of the list of foods you eat. While it may be difficult at times to get kids (even adults, too!) to eat these essential foods, it is still important to constantly offer and expose them to these all-important foods.

First, here are three simple fruit and vegetable tips to stay healthy:

Tip 1: Use to-go bags.

At the beginning of the week, clean and cut up fresh fruits and vegetables and place them in small, to-go bags. This provides you and your family with quick, healthy snacks throughout the day.

Tip 2: Keep fresh veggies readily available.

Have vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, avocados, and onions on hand to add to your favorite sandwiches and feel fuller longer.

Tip 3: Fill the kitchen with bowls of fruit.

Keep bowls of fruit like apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes in your kitchen. Grab one for a healthy snack next time you feel hungry.

Next, watch as Hardy Heart learns the importance of eating fruits and vegetables to stay healthy:

Now, make sure and download this fruit and vegetable-themed coloring sheet for the kids:

Coloring Sheet Button

Lastly, check out our OrganWise fruits and veggie resources to help remind kids to make healthy choices!

Enjoy those fruits and veggies!

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