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Funding Opportunity – Get Your School Running

We all know that running is one of the easiest ways to get in your physical activity each day. You need very little equipment, no special gym memberships and you can run in almost any weather. A love for running is a great gift to give any child!
The ING Run For Something Better Awards Program is a great opportunity to get a running program started at your school and they are now taking applications for 2012! This year the program has partnered with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) to provide at least 50 grants of $2,500 each to schools who would like to establish a school-based running program or expand an existing ones.


The program is incredibly flexible – all you need to get started is 25 students (K-8th grade). The program can be as short as 8 weeks or much longer. You can run the program at recess, after-school or before school, in PE class or any combination of the these. Since the goal of the program isn’t to produce a new generation of Boston Qualifiers, but to reach out to any child who wants to get active, any motivated faculty or staff member at your school can facilitate it.

Want to find out more? Check out all the information onĀ ING’s site!

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