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Grateful from 30,000 Feet

Well hey there!OWG airplane

Our drive across America is officially done. I am updating this blog from 30,000 feet in the air! That’s right, we are flying home after an unforgettable trip, and without Miss Goodhealth, this trip wouldn’t have been possible. So we all got together and made a thank you card for Miss Goodhealth. But we knew that wasn’t quite enough, so Hardy talked to the flight attendant, and she gave Miss Goodhealth a thank you from The OrganWise Guys on the intercom of the plane! Miss Goodhealth loved it and told us that she had a great time as well. It felt really nice to do something special for her after all the hard work she did planning this trip.

You know, we talk a lot about staying healthy with high fiber, low fat, lots of water, and exercise, but you know what else makes you feel good? Telling someone you appreciate them just like we did with Miss Goodhealth. So if there is someone who has made this summer great, you should tell them a big THANK YOU! Whether that person is one of your parents, a grandparent, babysitter, sibling, or friend, telling them thank you for a great summer is a small gesture that can mean a lot! Don’t forget to download the activity sheet and coloring sheet for today!

Keep livin OrganWise,

Luigi Liver

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