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Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation Get OrganWise!

Hardy Heart was so excited to be part of the Gwinnett County Parks & Recreation (GCPR) Summer Feeding Program Kick-off in Georgia. GCPR won a national award from National Recreation and Park Association to include The OrganWise Guys programming into ALL of their parks for year-round wellness education. The OWG are very proud to have their HOME county win this award! Hardy even made a new friend – Chopper from the Gwinnett Braves!

2014 Gwinnet Parks and Recreation Kickoff

We asked OrganWise team member, Julie Green, to give her brief account of this fun event:

OWG SelfieI got to go on a field trip! My job description with The OrganWise Guys (OWG) is typically behind the scenes, so when Dr. Michelle Lombardo asked me to assist her with this kick-off event, I was thrilled. I was going to be out in the field (literally) with the children who will be impacted by The OrganWise Guys on a daily basis. Marching to the OWG “Roll-Call” with the life-sized Hardy Heart and 200+ children was awesome. I got to see first-hand the excitement Hardy and the other “guys” can bring to these young children. The kids were all actively participating in activities such as jump rope, soccer,  and frisbee. Even Hardy got into a quick game of tag with Chopper from the Gwinnett Braves! I was again reminded how The OrganWise Guys can play such an integral role in changing the lives of children and combatting childhood obesity all while having FUN. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend a day at “work!”


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