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Happy Halloween!!!!

OWG_Blog_Art_10-31-11Hey Team,
Is everyone pumped for tonight? I know The OrganWise Guys are! We’ll be getting quite a bit of walking in as we trick-or-treat our way through the neighborhood. I’ll be going as a ballerina! While some houses will be giving out healthy snacks like granola and fruit bars, many houses will be handing out candy – and lots of it. We understand how hard it is to resist candy, especially FREE candy, but as OrganWise Guys we have to do our best to limit how much candy we eat.So be sure to eat candy in moderation! When you do have a piece or two, then make sure you brush your teeth! All that sugar can turn into plaque, so be sure to brush extra long after eating that much sugar! All right, I hope everyone has fun tonight! Make sure you get our coloring sheet!

Happy Halloween,


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