Hey Everybody!
We’re almost halfway through April, which is exciting because that means one of my favorite weeks is almost here: National Physical Education Week! The first week in May is dedicated to pumping me up – how cool is that! I know it’s a couple of weeks off, but as a heart I get PUMPED all spring for the week devoted to physical education – it’s my favorite class! The thought of kids all across America getting their hearts beating fast because of physical activity makes me start beating faster just thinking about it! So my OrganWise Guys pals and I decided that to get all of you as excited as we are, we’d share with you some of our favorite memories about physical activity. Since I’m here, I’ll start! My favorite physical activity memory was my first baseball game. I was so nervous about my batting skills that I would stay after each practice and work on my swing. I just wanted to connect my bat to the ball! The first pitch came—STRIKE 1! The second pitch came—swing and a miss—STRIKE 2! Then the third pitch came. I could see it soaring through the air; coming perfectly down the middle of the plate. I swung that bat, concentrating so hard on just making contact with the ball. (I was beating so fast that I bet everyone could see the blood pumping!) Guess what? I hit it! It was a pop fly to the second baseman. He caught it, which was a little upsetting, but just the fact that I hit the ball made up for it! It is my favorite memory because it gave me the confidence to know that I could hit the ball, even if it wasn’t a homerun every time (or even a single, ha ha).
So start thinking about your favorite sports memory, and then go out and try to make some more!
Click here for today’s coloring sheet.
Click here for today’s activity sheet
See you back here soon!
Hardy Heart