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Healthy Bones

We recieved this idea from our parnters at the Kershaw County Schools in South Carolina. These teachers reinforced a healthy bone lesson with an art/spelling project. It’s very easy to create and as you can see, the kids are pretty proud of their bone health.20130128_140626

Just take some blue construction paper and print off large bone for each student and enough for each child to have 5 smaller bones. Give each child 3 Q-tips (or cotton balls) and a pair of scissors. Have them write:

How to Keep Your Bones Healthy on the large bone and glue it to the top of the page.


Then on each of the smaller bones, have them write 5 ways to keep their bones healthy from what they’ve learned. Some examples are:

  • Exercise
  • Sunshine
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese


Cut out each of the smaller bones and glue them below the large one. Add the Q-tips for some flair.


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