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Healthy Summer Programming Works

Healthy Summer Programming

What better way to celebrate National Get Outdoors Day than talking about some amazing happenings in parks and recreation sites all over the country!

We are so excited to share the feature story from the June issue of National Recreation and Park Association’s, Parks and Recreation magazine, which includes exciting results from fantastic work done in hundreds of sites around the country thanks to the Walmart Foundation. Specifically, there is a particular focus on the impacts of the nutrition literacy curriculum and the healthy eating and physical activity (HEPA) standards in out-of-school time programs.

Download and read the entire article here or you can read the Parks and Recreation magazine in its entirety. You will definitely be interested to read how healthy summer programming can make such a great impact on kids, families, and the entire community!

Lastly, here are some fun ways to celebrate National Get Outdoors Day with your family today!



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