This week (May 6-10) is School Nutrition Employee Week! We are so incredibly grateful to all the hardworking school nutrition professionals for serving children healthy meals every day. Now is the perfect time to recognize the hardworking foodservice professionals in your school cafeterias. The School Nutrition Association (SNA) has designated this week to remind everyone that our foodservice personel are true superheros! To celebrate, make this year the best year yet for your school foodservice program. Here are some OrganWise tips:
Social Media – Does your school use social media to engage students? If not, be sure to check out all the fun things happening on OWG social media. Our YouTube videos, Facebook, Twitter, and blog posts are designed to help you promote the nutritious foods that you serve in your cafeterias!
Fuel Up to Play 60 – Consider applying for a Fuel Up to Play 60 grant to expand nutrition education programming in your school. If you are interested in receiving assistance on how to incorporate OWG materials into this grant application, please email [email protected].
Nutrition Education in the Cafeteria – Making your cafeteria a fun, friendly environment that promotes nutrition education is important. Our Foods of the Month materials turn your cafeteria and foodservice staff into a place where children learn about healthy foods while they eat them!