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Join the Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity Awareness month

With the Labor Day celebrations behind us, now is a good time for families to hit the restart button. Good news! Since 2010, the month of September is dedicated to National Childhood Obesity Awareness. The hope is to spread the word by promoting healthy eating and the importance of physical activity even moreso than usual during this month. We are challenging you and your family to commit to actively participating in joining the fight against childhood obesity during this month. Following are some ways that your family can be involved if you choose to accept the challenge!:

  • Family Fitness Challenge – Set a goal for each member of your family; whether it be for 5 situps or 10 pushups a day, and create a chart that holds everyone accountable. Let each member select a reward (non-food!) ahead of time and motivate one another to obtain their goals at the end of the month. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!
  • Food Taste Tests – Commit to introducing your kids to a new fruit or veggie each day or week of the month. You never know which tasty fruit or veggie may jump to the top of their favorites list!
  • Post-Dinner Family Walks – Incorporate a family walk into your nightly routine even if it’s just a quick 10-15 minutes. These short increments can add up over time and it is a great way to catch up in our busy schedules.
  • Weekend (Active)ities – Plan a fun family outing such as a hike or day at the park where you plan a healthy picnic and bring a soccer ball or football to play with. This is another great way to get in some bonding time while being healthy!
  • Fruit for Dessert? – Instead of that ice cream, offer the kids fruit or some variation for dessert for the entire month. Eventually their tastebuds may prefer to eat this sweet treat over the ice cream (we can hope, right?). For a tasty berry smoothie idea, click here.
  • Turn off the TV – Try making this a rule for the month. We are sure that you can survive! In the evenings, put on some of the kids’ favorite tunes and have a dance party instead! If you want to implement a “no technology” at night rule, we are for that as well!
  • Spread the Word – Share your ideas and find out what others are doing this month by using #ChildObesity across social media. Also, challenge another family to commit to a month of healthy eating and physical activity promotion!

For more information, ideas, or resources, click here to access the official website for National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.

What do you plan to do with your family this month to combat childhood obesity?

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