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Low-Fat Cream Cheese Sandwich Snacks

salmon and cream cheese snacksIn February, low-fat dairy Foods are a Foods of the Month. Low-fat cream cheese shouldn’t be reserved for just bagels; it’s a great source of calcium to spread on your favorite sandwiches and tastes delicious when paired with lean meats, vegetables and fish. Cut up sandwiches (made on whole grain bread) into 4 pieces (like in the photo below) for the perfect snack. Here are our favorite sandwich snacks, all made with low-fat cream cheese.

Turkey with Dill Cream Cheese and Cucumbers – Spread a thin layer of low-fat cream cheese onto whole wheat bread. Top with a sprinkle of fresh dill (optional). Layer 6 cucumber slices on top of the cream cheese, then add low-sodium turkey breast). Top with the 2nd slice of bread and serve.

Veggie Bagel with Cream Cheese – Spread a thin layer of low-fat cream cheese onto a toasted whole wheat bagel or bagel thin. Add big slices of tomato, cucumber, and chopped onion. Sprinkle with a little bit of pepper. Cut in half and serve.

Salmon and Cream Cheese on Whole Wheat – Spread a thin layer of low-fat cream cheese onto toasted whole wheat bread. Top with 2 slices of smoked salmon, lemon juice, and salt and pepper and the 2nd slices of bread. Cut into 4 pieces and serve.

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