Hola Amigos!
Just finished up at stop numero dos (number two). We were in Memphis, Tennessee! It was truly a spectacular day! We had some delicious BBQ (on a whole wheat bun of course) with a side of carrot sticks for lunch. It was delicious. My favorite part of this stop was visiting Graceland, the home of Mr. Elvis Presley. We got to learn all about the impact Elvis had on music history. Seeing where the music legend lived made me feel a bit musical myself. Once we got back to the hotel, I put on a show for the others, belting out some of our favorite OrganWise Guys tunes, as well as a slightly reworked Elvis classic—“Blue Tennis Shoes!” Then we enjoyed some time swimming at the hotel pool—love that physical activity! Now we continue our journey! Check back for more fun with us and while you’re waiting, check out my Elvis-inspired coloring and activity sheets!
Madame Muscle