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May Foods of the Month Tips!

Summer is right around the corner – hooray! Do you know what the Foods of the Month (FoM) are for May? They are eggs and spinach! Make your OrganWise Guys happy by trying these tips for yourself and sharing them with your friends, family and colleauges, too!6829975660_111df72db8
Tip 1: Are you excited about eggs? Sir Rebrum sure is! Liven up an omelet by giving it a color boost of mushrooms, onions and bell peppers. Tasty!

Tip 2: Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh ones. Cook up frozen spinach, peas, green beans or sugar snap peas and add them to a favorite dish.

Tip 3: If you are lactose intolerant, try lactose-free skim milk or unsweetened almond or soy milk. Calcium in spinach (a May FoM!) is also absorbed by the body.

Tip 4: Sir Rebrum loves it when you eat eggs! They are protein-filled with relatively little fat and a great way to start your Monday.

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