Several of our OrganWise moms take some time to share their different perspectives on Mother’s Day …
My Favorite Gift
by Karen McNamara
When I was little and asked my mom what she would like for Mother’s Day, she would always say, “A homemade card would be the best present!” I used to think, “What’s wrong with her? I’ll have a list ready when my kids ask ME someday!” Now, as a mom, I know that as long as they are breathing, it is a heavenly Mother’s Day. So when my oldest son was six, he asked me what I would like for Mother’s Day and, of course, I said, “Anything homemade would be the best present! He ran upstairs and in no time outdid the construction paper cards I used to make with “I Love Mom” spelled out in his beloved Legos. He was so proud of himself and I couldn’t have asked for a better present ever.
Finding Blessings in the Unexpected
by Julie Green
The cards, the breakfast in bed, the flowers and gifts that Mother’s Day Sunday brings, is a wonderful break in everyday life for moms like me. It is hard to believe that I have had 17 years of being the ‘mother’ in Mother’s Day. I have two wonderful teenage children and a husband, who is a wonderful father. As I get wiser (I’m NOT getting older), I have really come to appreciate the Mother’s Day sentiments in my daily routine. There is not a day that goes by that my son, Taylor, doesn’t make me laugh in one way or another. We have about 15 minutes of our busy day that it is just he and I. We could be in the car to or from school, breakfast, or asking him to (AGAIN) to take the garbage out, that he makes a face, tells a joke, or a silly happening of his day that makes me giggle. My daughter, Marin, is the same way. She is a happy girl with a story, or a silly face made to make me laugh. The other day, she hugged me tightly and said, “ahh you smell like my mom….perfume, pasta and toothpaste.” In other words, “I love you, mom, Happy Mother’s Day.”
There are days that being a ‘mom’ is tough, but when I look into the eyes of my kids, see their expression, I am reminded that these children are a blessing in my life.
Mother’s Day … Whose Day is it really?
by Maria White
Being a rather new mom still, I tend to forget that I get to be included in the Mother’s Day celebration. For so long, it has always been a celebration of MY mom. It is now a special bond that I can share with my own mom as I commence my journey through motherhood. While it can be quite challenging, being a mom truly is the most rewarding experience. The love that you have for your children is unsurmountable. I can now understand and appreciate the joys and struggles that my mom went through raising me and my sisters. I will always be grateful for the memories that we had growing up and that we continue to share. Nowadays, Mother’s Day to me is a reminder of the beautiful and amazing two children that I am blessed to have in my life every day. I cherish each day with them but it is nice to stop and realize how fortunate I am to be their Mommy on this occasion. Mother’s Day will also always be a celebration of my mother, but now my kids get to honor her as their special “Nana,” too.
What do you do to celebrate Mother’s Day at your house?