It’s been awhile since we talked about the fantastic project we have going on in Tennessee thanks to generous funding from BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation. We are three years in and continue the dynamite partnership with Tennessee Coordinated School Health. The OrganWise Guys Comprehensive School Program (OWG CSP) has now been implemented (or soon-to-be implemented) in 150 schools across the Volunteer State.
This year we’ve worked closely with two amazing coordinators in Hamilton County. Cathy Jennings and Kathryn Putney have overseen program implementation in seven schools that are participating in the evaluation component of this project. They were able to identify a champion in each school, usually the PE teacher, but in other cases the nurse, librarian, or music teacher answered the call. This reinforces the fact that the program is so flexible and can respond to any school climate – with creativity being a key component in getting schools involved.
Great job Tennessee!