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Peach Fruit Leather

Peaches, a type of stone fruit, are an August Foods of the Month. This time of year, your supermarkets will be full of stone fruits like peaches, plums, nectarines and others. Stock up on these fruits and make some tasty recipes like our peach-blueberry muffins. If you have purchased a lot of stone fruits and they are about to go bad, you can turn them into fruit leather! This process is much healthier than store-bought fruit snacks because you only use one ingredient – the fruit! Natural fruit leathers, like our peach fruit leather recipe are also a fun family activity that you can make with your children.

Peach Fruit Leather


3 very ripe peaches, sliced (3 peaches will make about 4 servings. You can use as many stone fruits as you want!)


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
  2. Use a food processor or blender to puree the sliced stone fruits.
  3. Transfer fruit puree to a parchment paper lined baking sheet (we sprayed our parchment paper with nonstick cooking spray).
  4. Spread fruit puree evenly in one thin layer over parchment paper. Make sure that the edges of the puree are not too thin or else they will burn.
  5. Cook for about 7 hours, until the fruit is completely dried out.
  6. The fruit leather will come off the parchment paper in one piece, Cut into strips and serve rolled up for a fun snack.

peach fruit leather

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