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Project Healthy Living

Hello fellow OrganWise Guys Club Members,

I hope you all have been having a good time this holiday season. I know I have. The one thing that has been not so good, however, is my eating habits recently. While the holidays are a time for fun and excitement, that fun and excitement usually involves lots of cookies and candy. For me, it definitely meant lots of cookies and candy!  Sometimes, I even found myself going back for a third or fourth cookie even when I was full! I just thought, “It’s the holidays, this is what you do!” Well, I can now say I wish I did not eat all the cookies and candy. I just ate too much of it, and have been feeling tired this whole winter break. So I’m not going to wait for the New Year, I’m going to get back on track today. Project Healthy Living starts now! That means fruit, veggies, water, exercise, and fun will all be a part of my life again! Join me! Don’t wait to get healthy, get healthy today!OWG_Blog_Art_12-27-12

Find today’s activity sheet here!

Until we meet again,

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