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Roasted Corn and Brussels Sprouts

Our second installment of summery side dishes with corn features this delicious roasted corn with Brussels Sprouts recipe. (Last week, we featured parmesan corn with zucchini.) Corn and Brussels Sprouts provide fantastic health benefits like fiber and Vitamins K and C. Try to eat veggies like this at least 5 times a week to keep your OrganWise Guys healthy!

Roasted Corn and Brussels Sprouts


2 cobs of corn, kernels freshly cut (or 2 cups of frozen corn)

1 lb Brussels Sprouts, trimmed and sliced thin

2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

1 garlic clove, minced

Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat extra-virgin olive oil over medium-high heat on the stovetop. When it begins to bubble, add the garlic and cook for another 2 minutes, until the garlic begins to brown.
  2. Add the sliced Brussels Sprouts. Cook for 5 minutes, until they begin to crisp.
  3. Next, turn the stovetop to medium heat then add the corn. Continue to cook until the corn begins to brown on either side (about 10 minutes).
  4. Season with salt and pepper and serve hot.

roasted corn and brussels sprouts

You may also like these other healthy corn side dishes this summer! Enjoy!

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