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Showed 'em and Told 'em

Well hello everyone,

I won’t keep you in suspense; my show and tell went great! It was all thanks to a quick pep talk from Hardy in the morning. He could see I was nervous and told me I had nothing to worry about. He said, “You know everyone in this room; we’ve all been friends all year. We’re not going to judge you, we just want to see the cool thing you brought in for the class.” I thanked him but said I was still nervous about messing up my speech. Hardy then told me that if I messed up I’d just be like every other person in that class, because every single person has messed up in school before. This made me feel so much better. When I got to the front of the class and looked at everyone, I realized how right Hardy was. I was looking at the faces of my classmates – the same faces I’d been looking at all year! This was nothing to get upset about so I didn’t! I even answered a few questions from the class, which I had not practiced. I think I’m ready to give a speech to run for president now! Well, maybe just school president … baby steps. Make sure and get your coloring sheet and activity sheet for today!


Talk to you soon,


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