Happy Mother’s Day! There’s nothing like being a mom and having the incredible responsibility of raising a child. We are all about raising a healthy child both inside and out! In honor of Mother’s Day we thought we would share some sentiments from our OrganWise moms to you.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom?
Enjoying being with my now adult children and feeling so very proud of the fine young men they have become. I love watching the way they interact with one another and love their sense of humor. They always keep me laughing (even if it’s often at my expense!) – Dr. Michelle Lombardo
It has taught me to happily accept that I am perfectly imperfect/imperfectly perfect, which I think is a great lesson for kids to learn early. – Karen McNamara
I have many favorites but most importantly that I (along with my husband) was entrusted by God to raise these precious gifts: Children are True Blessings from Heaven. Listening to kids giggle, sleep, sing and play and then watching them grow and learn about life whether it is hard or easy tops the list as well as getting all the hugs and thank yous and being able to play with your kids at any age they may be. – Julie Green
Knowing that I am one of two people in my kids’ lives that they love and trust the most. Feeling this unconditional love through hugs, smiles, tears and everything else is incredible. I love that I was given the responsibility and opportunity of raising my sweet blessings. – Maria White
What do you do as a mom to influence your children to make healthy choices in life?
I try to set an example through my own healthy life choices and remind them that being safe and healthy (being Organwise!) will keep them strong and happy. – Julie Green
I strive to be a good role model, but not too rigid. – Karen McNamara
We make healthy living a constant conversation and while we are not always perfect in our choices, they are learning which ones are the best ones to make. – Maria White
At this time all of them are out and on their own. They are all extremely conscious of what they eat as well as exercising on a regular basis. I guess growing up with Hardy and the gang really rubbed off on them. They all cook regularly (just like their mother) and choose organic when they can. – Dr. Michelle Lombardo
What has been your favorite Mother’s Day gift from you kids?
In different years, each of them has brought home from school a seedling in a makeshift Mother’s Day container. The message being something to the effect of, “Just like me, this seedling is destined to be so much more than it is now! Have fun watching it grow.” – Karen McNamara
Well this Mother’s Day I received a call (actually several days in advance) to come over to my oldest son’s house for a Mother’s Day brunch (which includes my youngest son – just missing my middle son who is on his honeymoon!). I honestly am one very happy and proud mom! – Dr. Michelle Lombardo
The best gift is being able to enjoy an event as a family. Last year, I was surprised with tickets to an Atlanta Braves Baseball game. It wasn’t tangible, but the memories are cherished. – Julie Green
My kids are young and so the homemade masterpieces that they excitedly bring home are so special and meaningful. – Maria White
Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy your special days … we know they are well-deserved!