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Keep Kids Focused at the End of the School Year

Peter Pancreas Keep Kids FocusedWe all know what happens at the end of the school year … kids become less focused and eager for the summer months filled with no school work! It is important that we keep kids focused and remind them to continue to work hard at school in order to finish up the year with good grades. Once the school year ends is the time to celebrate the summer! Peter Pancreas offers this reminder with a fun coloring and activity sheet to download. Your teachers will be thankful for this little reminder to keep kids focused.

Good Luck!

Peter Pancreas


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Teach Your Kids About Gratitude

Hey everybody,Hardy teach your kids about gratitude

It’s important to teach your kids about gratitude. Teacher Appreciation Day is next month, but why do we have to wait until a certain day of the year to say thank you to the important people in our lives, who deserve appreciation and gratitude all year long? Why not teach your kids to be grateful and vocal about this gratefulness each and every day? Teach them about gratitude from an early age and show them how it can positively affect people’s lives. What a great life lesson to learn and carry out on a daily basis. It’s the little things that can make a big difference in someone’s life!

Here’s to teaching gratitude and saying thanks to your teachers today!

Hardy Heart

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Listening: A Lesson for Kids

Hi there,OWG_Blog_Art_4-16-15

Do you ever wish that your kids would listen better? This is probably a silly question. We all know kids struggle to listen at times, but it is essential that they learn the importance of respect and listening to both kids and adults. I experienced a situation at school that I would love to tell your kids about. Had I been listening, I could have saved myself some embarrassment. Make sure to download the coloring and activity sheets for today to help them learn a vital listening lesson (oh and maybe some math, too)!

Keep breathing,


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