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Halloween Hydration

Hi-ya kids,

Walking around the neighborhood? Fun. Wearing a costume? Fun. Walking around the neighborhood while wearing a costume? Even more fun, but it sure can get hot in those masks! That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated while out trick-or-treating. Grab a bottle of water or two to bring with you while you’re out there. Our plan is to drink water every four or five houses, making sure we drink enough for good hydration. You should do the same, otherwise you might miss out! Oh and don’t forget to download the coloring sheet and activity sheet for today!


OWG_Blog_Art_10-23-14The Kidney Brothers


End of Summer is Near

Hi-ya kids!

Do you know what we’re here to talk about? I bet you think it’s drinking water. Nope, not today (although, let’s not forget how important it is to drink six to eight glasses of water each day)! Today, we are reminding you that summer is almost over. How can it be? I don’t know, but it’s true. School is just around the corner, and you’re inside on the computer? Yes, checking out how to live a healthy lifestyle on The OrganWise Guys’ website is important, but once that is done, you need to go enjoy the final days of summer vacation! Set up a lemonade stand. Run through sprinklers. Play kickball in the cul-de-sac. Read a book in the park. Swim until you can’t swim no more. Just get outside and enjoy this weather, because you’ll miss it when it’s gone (and even more when it’s still here, but you are only able to enjoy it during recess). Oh, and you can even take your coloring sheet for today outside to complete!


The Kidney Brothers


Cheers to Summer

Hi-ya kids!

We’re here with a friendly reminder to drink water. Now. Right now. Seriously. Go get a glass. We’ll wait. Okay, good. It’s important to stay hydrated during these hot summer days. It’s easy to forget when you’re running around outside until you find yourself so thirsty you can barely stand it! So don’t get to that point. Grab a cold glass of water before you go outside. And after. And sometime in between, too. You won’t regret it! Before you go get your water, make sure and download the coloring sheet and activity sheet for today!OWG_Blog_Art_7-24-14


The Kidney Brothers


Soon-to-Be Memory

Hi-ya kids,

Has it been another great school year? Yeah! Do we like school? Absolutely! Do we LOVE summer? Of course! That’s why our favorite time of the year will be school ending. We can’t wait for another summer of hanging out at the pool, the lake, and the beach. We also love running through sprinklers, washing cars, and taking swimming lessons. Do you know what all those things have in common? WATER! There are so many opportunities to enjoy water in the summer, in addition to our favorite year-round activity of drinking plenty of it every day. That’s why the last day of class is our favorite school memory! Make sure to get your coloring sheet for today!


The Kidney Bros.


Ready for Spring … and Summer

Hi-ya kids,

Today is the first official day of spring, and we could not be more excited! It has been an extremely cold winter this year, lots of snow, which is fun, but you know what we love? Water! We can’t wait to spend time on the lake, at the beach, and in the pool! Heck, we’re even excited about watering the garden! But until then, don’t forget to water yourselves with six to eight glasses of water each day! Make sure to download your coloring sheet and activity sheet for today!



The Kidney Brothers