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Healthy Sweet Potatoes Video Recipe

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

When you think of sweet potatoes, you likely think of Thanksgiving! Not only are sweet potatoes a popular choice this time of year, they are also an OrganWise Guys November Foods of the Month. We just love the countless ways that you can prepare and use them in your meals year-round. But since we are days away from Thanksgiving, we thought we would share a healthy version to of mashed sweet potatoes! YUM!


Windy Loves Healthy Lung Month


Windy Grand CanyonOctober is Healthy Lung Month. Naturally, Windy, the lungs thinks this is a fantastic celebration! During this month (and throughout the year, of course!), make sure to get plenty of exercise as this ‘works out’ your lungs. Also, make sure not to smoke, because as we all know, this is not only harmful to your lungs but your health in general. If you have ever seen The OrganWise Guys’ DVD, Farmer’s Market Fresh, then you may be familiar with the clip that we are sharing today!


Spaghetti Squash Surprise Video Recipe


Did you know that there is a vegetable that when cooked, resembles spaghetti? Not surprisingly this Winter Squash, an October Foods of the Month, is actually called Spaghetti Squash! Once cooked, this tasty vegetable can be shredded into what look like spaghetti noodles. This can be especially fun for the kids to see you prepare or you can even trick them and use the squash as actual spaghetti noodles!
