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Tasty Tropical Fruit Popsicles

Tasty Tropical Fruit Popsicles

Tasty, refreshing and, and oh so tropical!

Cool off this summer with refreshing, 100% tropical fruit Popsicles! The fruits found in this recipe provide replenishing vitamins (like Vitamin A, C and K) and minerals (like potassium) for all your outdoor activities … and that’s why tropical fruits are a July Foods of the Month! Enjoy the tropics in your own backyard with this guilt-free hot weather treat!


2 cups coconut water

1 medium banana, sliced thin

1 kiwi, chopped into little pieces

1/2 pineapple, chopped into small chunks

(Optional – Squeeze a little grapefruit or orange into each mold.)


  1. Fill your Popsicle molds* with coconut water to about 3/4 of the mold, leaving extra space for the fruit. If you do not have molds, use a small paper cup and Popsicle sticks. 
  2. Carefully drop the fruits into the molds so the coconut water doesn’t spill. Fill the molds with more coconut water, if needed.
  3. Freeze overnight, or at least 4 hours.
  4. Remove Popsicles from their molds (you may need to run them under hot water to loosen them) and enjoy!

*To make these Popsicles as fancy as they are tasty, check out this fun list of molds from realsimple.com!

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