Back to school time is an expensive one for sure! So, if you can come up with some ways to save some cash, by all means, do it! Most likely your kids, just like Madame Muscle in this case, will want a brand new backpack for the new school year. This can be expensive, especially if you have multiple kiddos needing them. If the backpack is in good shape, but could just use a little TLC, teach kids to be frugal and creative with it to save on those costs.
Madame Muscle shares how she was able to make her backpack just like new so make sure to get the coloring sheet and activity sheet for today. The kids will be able to design their own backpack and then maybe they will want to do the same to their own! You will be a happy camper if you are able to teach kids to be frugal and creative at a young age. Good luck!