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The Last Leg of the Race

Hello hello!

I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend. I spent all day Sunday working on a science project for school. Some of The OrganWise Guys invited me to a kickball game in the park that day, and I really wanted to go, but I knew if I went, I wouldn’t get my project completely finished. For a split second, I almost went anyway. Then I stopped to think (because that’s what brains do) and I realized that even though the weather outside is beautiful and summer is almost here, I still have to be responsible when it comes to my schoolwork. I’ve done my best all year, so why would I start slacking off now? That would be like running a marathon, which is 26.2 miles, but then deciding to stop at mile 25. That’s crazy! So I encourage you all to remember to keep working hard the rest of this school year. Yeah, it’s almost over, but it’s not over yet!  After you finish your homework, make sure you get today’s coloring sheetOWG_Blog_Art_5-7-12

Think healthy thoughts,

Sir Rebrum

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