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Ways to Make Dental Health Fun for Kids

February also boasts the distinction of National Children’s Dental Health Month. Although dental health may not be your child’s favorite topic, we had a few fun ideas to help you celebrate.

  • Put together a fun basket of dental supplies for your child. Find his/her favorite character or color in a toothbrush, buy colorful dental floss and special toothpaste that has a fun flavor, and a special cup to rinse. Add a copy of It’s a Teethday Party for a bedtime story to help your child understand why brushing is so important.
  • Add apples as snacks. Apples naturally help remove plaque from teeth so not only are they healthy for digestion, they are also good for your mouth!
  • Find a child-friendly dentist. Remember that it’s a scary experience. Visit the office and find out if they have a fun waiting area for children and ideally something to occuply them while they are in the chair.

Establishing heatlhy dental habits are important for healthy kids. If you have some fun ideas, we’d love to hear them!

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